Internationalization (I18N)

Accela API exposes the following internationalization ability.

Multiple Languages


Add the parameter "lang" with comma-separated field names to request URL query string.

Note: The "lang" value format pattern is <languagecode2>_<country/regioncode2>, where <languagecode2> is a lowercase two-letter code derived from ISO 639-1 and <country/regioncode2> is an uppercase two-letter code derived from ISO 3166. For example, U.S. English is "en-US". If the language is not specified in request URL or the language specified is not supported by agency, the default language configured by agency will be used.
Note: API response provides both “value” and “text” for fields in enumeration data type.
Note: API request must provide “value” when entering data for fields in enumeration data type.

Date and Time Format

Accela API supports two data types.

  • Date uses format "yyyy-MM-dd" for date values.

  • Datetime uses format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" for date time value. The datetime value uses agency-specific time zone configured by agency.

Refer to the following two examples.


Example 1: Using the ar_AE language

Request Sample


Response Sample

  "status": 200,
  "page": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit":  1,
    "hasmore": true
  "result": [
    "type": {
      "group": "Licenses",
      "type":  "Letters",
      "subType": "Amend",
      "category": "Amendment In Progress",
      "value": "Licenses/Letters/Amend/Amendment In Progress",
      "id":  "Licenses-Letters-Amend-Amendment.cIn.cProgress",
      "text": "رساله قيد التعديل",
      "module": "Licenses",
      "display": "رساله قيد التعديل"
    "openedDate": "2013-08-06"

Example 2: Creating a record

Request Sample


Requst body

  "type": {
    "value": "ServiceRequest/Trees and Weeds/Tall Grass and Weeds/NA"
  "name": "test application name",
  "opendedDate": "2014-03-14"

Response Sample

  "status": 200,
    "id": "BPTDEV-14CAP-00000-00026",
    "customId": "SR-2014-00010",
    "module": "ServiceRequest",
    "type": {
      "group": "ServiceRequest",
      "type": "Trees and Weeds",
      "subType": "Tall Grass and Weeds",
      "category": "NA",
      "value": "ServiceRequest/Trees and Weeds/Tall Grass and Weeds/NA",
      "id": "ServiceRequest-Trees.cand.cWeeds-Tall.cGrass.cand.cWeeds-NA",
      "module": "ServiceRequest",
      "display": "Tall Grass and Weeds"
    "statusDate": "2014-03-14"